
Posts Tagged ‘meditation’


The start to my weekend went like this; bright and early wake up on Saturday morning, before the sun was up in these English winter months.  I needed to get my body going after a slightly heavy meal on Friday evening so I chose a vigorous Sun Salutation practice with Lucy.  It is fast and fun, she includes lots of standing poses, just what I needed to get my circulation going as well as flush out any toxins and heaviness.  The video is filmed on the rocks by the sea in Cornwall, with the bright sun shining and waves crashing, what stunning imagery to start the imagination juices flowing.

Once I had completed my asana practice I moved onto a meditation with Deepak Chopra.  The Chopra Centre is currently running a 21 day meditation challenge for creating abundance, they post a new audio meditation each day for you to practice.  The centring thought for this day was ‘Everything I desire is within me’ and the Sanskrit mantra was ‘Ram…ram…ram…’  We are now on day 7 of the challenge, which I have taken on, and I am finding the short but very potent meditations are a fantastic way to start the day.  I have a mediation practice, however sometimes I wonder if I am doing it right or getting anywhere, so it is very refreshing to be guided by the awesome Deepak Chopra and having a clear focus for the practice.

I am practicing the lesson of putting that which nourishes me at the top of my priority list, which is I’m sure partly why we so often do our practice first thing in the morning, it is the most important thing we do in the day and it is from there that the rest of the day unfolds.

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Rhoda’s voice is so sweet and light, it is the perfect encouragement to rinse out and wind down before bed.  The standing poses get all the nervous energy and toxins flushed out ready to fully absorb the relaxing benefits of the restorative forward bends.

She says at the start to take some breaths for yourself, remember to offer this time and energy and practice as a gift to yourself.  This was timely advice as I find when I get busy and a little overwhelmed with what is going on the first thing to slide is my time to take care of myself.  This just tells myself that I am not as important as this task or that project, which doesn’t reinforce that I am worthy and special.  I have learned the lesson time and time again that it is in trying times in which my practices and self care are the most imperative.  So this is me getting back on track with my self care and self love practices and feelings; also today I made myself the most spectacular smoked salmon, asparagus and goats cheese salad, booked a hair appointment for tomorrow and booked time with myself to do a mini spa and nails this week, all to reconnect with myself.  Just little things feel so good, and rather than expecting others to ‘make me feel good’ I can take responsibility for how I feel leaving me more space to love others rather than blame them.

A good day! xxx

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Reminded that meditation is natural and we all do it, even without realising, which for me makes it feel much less out there and New Agey.  As someone who is learning to bring meditation into my daily practice being reminded of the history, science and methodology is very grounding.

Clare gives us three core aspects of guidance to meditation; presence, breath and the witness effect.  Time to practice 🙂

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This was completely perfect for me today – I have had such a long day setting up for the Yoga Show (woohoo!) and got home wanting to check in with my practice but physically and mentally completely drained.  Which is where Chris comes in…

An interesting and detailed intro to Ashtanga Vinyasa, as yoga teacher myself I learnt a lot!  It is so lovely to come back to the history and the oral teachings of yoga to remember how much more there is in addition to the asana practice.

Thank you Chris x

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There was going to come a time when I practiced with one of my own videos, as in a video that I am featuring in and teaching.  It has intrigued me as a couple of my teachers have recommended following your own practice as a very good way to learn and grow as a teacher.

I started small with a 15 minute relaxation, called Savasana with Gemma.  It was interesting and a couple times my mind did wander to judgement of myself, but to be honest I was so wrapped up in the relaxation that 90% of the time I completely forgot it was me!  The practice originated with the Sivananda tradition and is very effective at encouraging deep relaxation in a short period time.  In a Sivananda class savasana is at least 15 minutes long to give the body and the mind time to rest and restore, which is easily overlooked in many asana classes.

My experience of the practice today was so effective that I fell deeply asleep for a whole hour, luckily waking up with some time to spare before I need to head to my next class.  It was the kind of sleep my whole being so desperately needed, when I awoke I was a good colour, all my muscles felt like they had been reset and my skin feels smooth and soft.  I didn’t realise how exhausted I was until I tool the time to properly and deeply relax – I must I recommend it!

Love xxxx

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Well what I can say about my experience with Clare’s Heart Chakra Meditation? Challenging when struggling with feelings of sadness of having been disconnected from my heart, which I have been lately.  I am going through a period of transition, which is challenging in itself for those of us who like to be in control!  And I have been dealing with it this week be marching on with a hardness and determination that I felt I needed to maintain in order somehow get through.  Gone were all ideas of being on the journey and experiencing all the elements – I was on a mission to the end of it as it felt uncomfortable and scary.

I had my session with my incredible Life Coach from the Handel Group (recommended by awesome US yoga teacher Elena Brower) today and she helped me realise that I am scared and I have been getting angry and shutting down to stop feeling the discomfort of being scared.  So for my practice today I knew I needed to reconnect with my heart and sit with my feelings, no matter the discomfort.

The meditation was wonderful!  Clare is an inspirational spiritual teacher, she is my Reiki teacher, and she has a confidence and a knowing which allows you to relax and fully be present.  It was a very powerful half and hour which allowed me to move past many of the layers of avoidance to reach my heart centre and reconnect.  It was emotional and intense, it was exactly what I needed to prepare to move through the coming days and weeks of transition staying in my heart and acting from that place of deeper wisdom.

Bit of a heavy one today folks!  Just right for a Friday night 😉

Happy Friday!

Love xxx

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For my Day 2 video I chose Clare’s lovely simple meditation as I am teaching 4 yoga classes today and a physical practice would be a little much!  I know Clare well and she is an exceptional and hugely inspirational person with a wealth of experience in all aspects of meditation.

I found the 20 minute video really helped me to stay with the meditation, as I often struggle with sitting for longer than 5 minutes!  I find my mind goes into overdrive and the minutes drag by, so Clare’s consistent voice was perfect to keep me present and engaged.  I feel calm, refreshed and grounded afterwards – ready to go and teach my last class of the day!

Love Gemma xx

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