
Posts Tagged ‘Clare Russell’


Reminded that meditation is natural and we all do it, even without realising, which for me makes it feel much less out there and New Agey.  As someone who is learning to bring meditation into my daily practice being reminded of the history, science and methodology is very grounding.

Clare gives us three core aspects of guidance to meditation; presence, breath and the witness effect.  Time to practice 🙂

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Well what I can say about my experience with Clare’s Heart Chakra Meditation? Challenging when struggling with feelings of sadness of having been disconnected from my heart, which I have been lately.  I am going through a period of transition, which is challenging in itself for those of us who like to be in control!  And I have been dealing with it this week be marching on with a hardness and determination that I felt I needed to maintain in order somehow get through.  Gone were all ideas of being on the journey and experiencing all the elements – I was on a mission to the end of it as it felt uncomfortable and scary.

I had my session with my incredible Life Coach from the Handel Group (recommended by awesome US yoga teacher Elena Brower) today and she helped me realise that I am scared and I have been getting angry and shutting down to stop feeling the discomfort of being scared.  So for my practice today I knew I needed to reconnect with my heart and sit with my feelings, no matter the discomfort.

The meditation was wonderful!  Clare is an inspirational spiritual teacher, she is my Reiki teacher, and she has a confidence and a knowing which allows you to relax and fully be present.  It was a very powerful half and hour which allowed me to move past many of the layers of avoidance to reach my heart centre and reconnect.  It was emotional and intense, it was exactly what I needed to prepare to move through the coming days and weeks of transition staying in my heart and acting from that place of deeper wisdom.

Bit of a heavy one today folks!  Just right for a Friday night 😉

Happy Friday!

Love xxx

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