
Posts Tagged ‘Rhoda McGivern’

Rhoda’s voice is so sweet and light, it is the perfect encouragement to rinse out and wind down before bed.  The standing poses get all the nervous energy and toxins flushed out ready to fully absorb the relaxing benefits of the restorative forward bends.

She says at the start to take some breaths for yourself, remember to offer this time and energy and practice as a gift to yourself.  This was timely advice as I find when I get busy and a little overwhelmed with what is going on the first thing to slide is my time to take care of myself.  This just tells myself that I am not as important as this task or that project, which doesn’t reinforce that I am worthy and special.  I have learned the lesson time and time again that it is in trying times in which my practices and self care are the most imperative.  So this is me getting back on track with my self care and self love practices and feelings; also today I made myself the most spectacular smoked salmon, asparagus and goats cheese salad, booked a hair appointment for tomorrow and booked time with myself to do a mini spa and nails this week, all to reconnect with myself.  Just little things feel so good, and rather than expecting others to ‘make me feel good’ I can take responsibility for how I feel leaving me more space to love others rather than blame them.

A good day! xxx

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As you can see my cat Max was just as enthralled by Rhoda’s shoulder opening class as I was!

I left my practice right till the very last minute today, partly because I did my run as my morning practice, and partly because my mind is very convincing as it’s telling me that I won’t enjoy my class today, I don’t need to do it, I should have a cup of tea instead etc etc.  Whereas as soon as I get on my mat I feel so better already!

I learnt from my practice with Kirsty earlier in the week that my shoulders and upper back are very tight at the moment so I decided to stay with the shoulder focus this evening with Rhoda.  I love that on the day of filming, and maybe generally, Rhoda has tight shoulders and really finds some of the stretches very painful, but she is comfortable enough with herself to admit that and teach the class anyway.  I think it’s very easy for a teacher to stick to what you know you can do so you look good at all times and leave what you find challenging – the ego loves it!  Respect to Rhoda for her openness and a good lesson for me as a teacher.

On a personal note, you wouldn’t believe it by watching that video, but Rhoda is just about to give birth to her second child which is so exciting!  As you can see she is warm and gentle and such a lovely mama – wishing her all the love in the world.

Happy Weekend xxx

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