
Posts Tagged ‘Jock Orton’

This morning I decided to challenge myself with Jock’s 35 minute practice which is for intermediate and advanced students.  I know Jock is incredibly strong with a very advanced practice so I was ready for it!  The sequence started with extended side angle pose (utthita parsvakonasana) which is one of my challenge poses, so I tried not to grit my teeth as I moved into my uncomfortable version of the pose.  From here we swiftly moved onto pigeon pose (eka pada rajkapotasana) which can bring many yogis up against all kinds of resistance, me included.  As the practice continued I started to feel that maybe I was not quite as advanced as I thought 🙂  And my especially vata body at the moment, feeling dry with aches in the joints from the autumn season and from lack of adequate rest, was resisting in all kinds of ways!

As I continued with the practice, modifying the poses which I have not yet progressed to which is very good for reminding the ego of it’s place, I started to smile at the dive straight in, no chit chat and ‘don’t f**k about’ vibe to the practice – I love it!  Sometimes yoga in the west can get a little too sugary, lovey dovey and smoochie smoochie.  As much as I LOVE the nurturing aspects of yoga, it was certainly a fun change of pace to jump into this hardcore, super awesome practice with Jock.  Enjoy!

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